
来源:鞍山师范学院 阅读:1475 次 日期:2015-04-28 14:34:13










1. 听力理解:测试考生理解对话、短文的能力,检测考生的单项理解能力和综合分析能力。听力内容为语速120词/分钟的对话、短文、听写的材料,录音播放二遍。

2. 词汇与语法:主要考查学生对常用词汇(4500词左右)熟练使用及应用能力,着重考查常用词法和句法:

① 名词、代词的数和格的用法;

② 动词基本时态、语态的构成及用法;

③ 形容词、副词比较级的用法;

④ 主谓一致;

⑤ 非谓语动词(不定式、动名词、分词)的构成及用法;

⑥ 虚拟语气的构成及用法;

⑦ 常用倒装结构;

⑧ 各类从句的用法及强调句型结构。

3. 阅读理解:其中完型填空占5%。要求考生阅读5篇总词数为2000单词的英语短文,根据内容得出每个问题的最佳答案,考查获取书面信息能力的速度和准确性。题材包括社会、文化、经济、科普等方面的说明文、记叙文、议论文。


4. 翻译:其中英译汉、汉译英各50%。英译汉部分为120词左右的英语短文,译成汉语,考生应力图准确理解原文,文字表达通顺;汉译英部分为5个意思明确的汉语句子,译成英文,要求用词、语法结构正确。

5. 写作:要求考生根据要求写出150词左右的英语短文。遣词造句简洁、思路清晰、切中题意、无明确语法错误。主要以议论文为主。考查考生运用书面语言进行交际的实践能力。


题 号 题 型 计分(200分)
I 听力 40
II 词汇与结构 30
III 阅读 50
IV 翻译 40
V 写作 40

Sample Test

Part I Listening Comprehension (25minutes)

Section A: Conversations

In this section you’ll hear 10 short conversations between too speakers. At the end of each conversation, you’ll have to answer the question by making your choices. You will hear them first. Then you will be given 15 to 20 seconds to read the 4 possible answers marked A), B), C) and D) and decide which is the correct answer. Listen to the Sample conversation and make your choice.

A) She will have an exam

B) She’ll take 10 minutes’ walk

C) She’ll read a test paper

D) She’ll recover from intension

The correct answer is C)

Section B: Passages

In this section, you will hear several passages. At the end of each passage, there are some questions marked A) B) C) and D). You can listen to them twice.

Question 1-3 are based on the passage you have just head.

1. Which isn’t a characteristic of practical jokes

a) They’re usually harmless.

b) They’re funny.

c) They’re intended to trick.

d) They’re uncommon.

The correct choice is d)

2. Which isn’t mentioned as being true of a speaker’s college.

a) It’s famous b) It’s near a city

c) It has a lake d) It has a beautiful park

The correct choice is a)

3. What’s not true of the college newspaper?

a) It had special April Fools Edition

b) It was only read by students

c) It was a daily newspaper

d) Sometimes its stories were not true

The correct choice is b)

Section C: Spot Dictation(略)

Part II. Structure and Vocabulary

Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a pencil.

1. He didn’t seem to mind TV while he was trying to study.

A. their watching B. them watch

C. they watching D. them to watch

Part III. Reading Comprehension

Directions: There are 5 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked (A), (B), (C) and (D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

It is the policy of keeping Africans inferior, and separate from Europeans. They are to be kept separate by not being allowed to live as citizens with rights in European to towns. They may go to European towns to work, but they may not have their families there; they must live in “Batustans”, the native areas. They are not to mix with Europeans by sitting in the same cafes, waiting-rooms, compartments of trains, seats in parks. They are not to bathe from the same beaches, go to the same cinemas, play on the same game field or in the same teams.

1. Which of the following is NOT true, according to the passage?

A. Africans are not allowed to do skilled work

B. A majority of Africans are forced to work for the Europeans

C. Europeans occupy 90 percent of the land with one-fourth of the whole population.

D. No Europeans will be fined $100, even if he employs an African to do carpentry


Directions: There are 10 incomplete sentences in this passage. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best fit into the passage. Then blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a pencil.

There are a great many careers which the increasing emphasis is 1 specialization. You find these careers in engineering, in production, in 2 work and inn teaching.

1. A. about B. for C. on D. in

2. A. statistics B. Statistical C. Statistically D. statistician

Part IV. Translation

A. Directions: Read the following passage and then put the sentences underlined into Chinese.

B: Translate the following sentences into English

Part V. Writing

Directions: For this part, you are to write a composition entitled. “Work and Play” in three paragraphs.

Your part of the composition should be about 150 words. Remember to write clearly.



1. 考核学生运用英语进行口头表达及交流的能力,英、汉两种语言间的互译能力。以语音、语法、词汇量、句子变化,语言转换及反应能力为考查点。







3 段落汉译英(3—5句话),20分;





题 号 题 型 题 数 计分(100分)
1 一般问题 3-5个 20分
2 话题讨论 一个话题 40分
3 汉译英 3—5句 20分
4 英译汉 3—5句 20分

Sample Test

I. Questions

What’s your major?

What are your interests?

II. Discussion

What do you think of friendship?

Ⅲ. Translate the passage into Chinese

Since China officially became a member of the World Trade Organization ( WTO ) in December 11, 2001, all economic and social fields have been experiencing unprecedented reforms and changes, and the sharp fall in auto prices is one of the most noticeable. The status of WTO membership has an enormous impact on China. Decision-making government departments, enterprises and even laypeople are all striving to change and adapt to this new identity.

IV. Translate the passage into English



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