
来源:易贤网 阅读:3002 次 日期:2017-03-11 15:01:55

Amber and Ethabella arrive for work on Monday morning. Ethabella introduces Amber to a number of co-workers on the way in. Then she introduces him to here department manager. Amber also gets to meet some of the people who will be working for him. The following conversation shows how you can use various expressions for greeting people. How does Amber handle himself? Will she make a good impression?

Ethabella: Good morning, Jim. I'd like you to meet Amber. She's our new Sr. Software Engineer. Amber, Jim is our Personnel Officer.

Jim: (shakes hands w Amber) Hello, it's a pleasure to meet you, Amber. Welcome aboard.

Amber: Thank you. I'm glad to meet you, too.

Ethabella: And this is Frank. He's part of your team.

Amber: Hi, Frank, I'm very happy to meet you.

Frank: Hello, Amber, I'm glad to meet you.

Ethabella: (smiling) Only good things, John. Oh, and here comes Ed Blakely, the department manager.

Ed: Hello, you must be Amber. Pleased to meet you.

Amber: It's an honor to meet you,sir. I'm looking forward to working for you.

Ed: From what I've heard, you're going to fit in just fine. I'll see you this afternoon to go over things.

Amber: Fine with me.

Ethabella: And this is Margot. She's also part of your team.

Mira: Hello, Amber. It's good to see you.

Amber: Hello, Margot. The pleasure's all mine.

Amber和Carl星期一早上去上班。Car l把Amber介绍给许多同事,接着又把她介绍给了部门经理。Amber还见到了一些她的下属。下面的谈话将告诉大家怎样用不同的表达方法去和人们打招呼。John自己的表现又如何呢?他能给大家留下一个好的印象吗?

Carl: 早上好Jim.我想让你见一见Amber.她是我们新到的软件工程师。Amber,Jim是人事部的主管。

Jim: (和Amber握手)你好,很荣幸见到你。欢迎到这儿来。

Amber: 谢谢,很高兴见到你。

Carl: 这是Frank,他是你们组的一员。

Amber: 你好Frank,见到你很高兴。

Frank: 你好Amber,很高兴见到你。

Carl: (微笑) Amber,都是有关你的优点的。噢,还有,这位是Ed Blakely,部门经理。

Ed: 你好,你一定就是Amber了,很高兴见到你。

Amber: 认识你很高兴。我一直期望能为您工作。

Ed: 据我所知,你会非常适合这个职位。今天下午我想就有关问题和你谈一谈。

Amber: 没问题。

Carl: 这是Margot,他也是你们组的一员。

Mira: 你好,Amber.见到你真好。

Amber: 你好,Margot.这都是我的荣幸。

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