
来源:易贤网 阅读:2244 次 日期:2017-04-21 15:26:05


1.long hair长头发

2.How are you?你身体好吗?

3.How old多大年纪

4.how tall多高

5.how long ago多久前(的事)

6.more outgoing比较外向

7.want/plan to do sth.意欲,企图

8.here are photos of me这是我的照片

9.as you can see正如你所看到的

10.in some ways在某些地方

11.we look the same我们看起来一样,They look different他们看起来不同

12.the same to……多……是一样的

13.quite the same完全一样

14.all the same还是,同样应……

15.look like看起来像….一样,而look same看起来很像

16.go to lots of parties经常参加聚会=often go to the party

17.a little taller高一点

18.take sth.from sth.从某处拿/取出某物

19.put sth.in sth.将某物放入某物中

20.make a list of列出清单

21.has cool clothes有漂亮的衣服

22.is popular in school在学校受欢迎

23.is good at sports擅长体育

24.make me laugh使我发笑

25.that's not very important for me那对我来说并不重要(be important for sb.)

26.put up举起,抬起,挂起,张贴,建造;put on穿上,戴上,上演(戏剧);

put down=write down=copy down写下来;put out伸出,扑灭;

put away收起来,收好;put off推迟;put one's heart into…全神贯注于……,全身心投入……

27.opposite views相反的观点

28.a weekend teacher周末教师

29.Abacus Study Center珠算研究中心

30.elementary school students小学生

31.be good with children善于与孩子相处

32.have good grades成绩出色

33.enjoy telling jokes喜欢讲笑话

34.can't stop talking不能停止讲话

35.help others帮助别人,help each other互相帮助

36.in one's free time在业余时间

37.one of+复数名词(代词)……其中之一

38.use sth.to do sth.=do sth..with sth.使用…做…

39.be/feel sorry for sb.为某事感到同情或难受;

be/feel sorry for sth.因某事感到抱歉或后悔;

be sorry+to see/hear听到或看到某种情况很不安或难过;

say sorry to sb.向某人道歉

40.begin with从……开始

41.next to在……旁边,紧靠……

42.be famous for因…而著名,因……而广为人知;be famous as作为……而知名

43.all together总计,总共

44.make sb.do sth.让/使某人做某事,




1.calm 2.happy 3.athletic

4.intellectual 5.little 6.many

7.funny 8.good 9.bad



11.English becomes useful.


12.I’m at speaking than.


13.He is really and he can make me.


14.I am than of the students in my class.


15.She is really with her study,so she always gets the best results.



16.Which is bigger,sun moon?

A.a;a B./;/C.the;/D.the;the

17.There are two pens on the desk.One is mine,is Linda’s

A.the other B.another C.some other D.others

18.There a notebook,a pencil and some books on the desk.

A.is B.are C.has D.have

19.The key this exercise is in our textbook.

A.to B.for C.about D.at

20.The blue skirt is than the white one.

A.dear B.much expensive C.expensive D.much more expensive

21.There are more students in Grade Two than.

A.Grade One B.other grade C.in Grade One D.any grade

22.I didn’t pass the exam,I was very unhappy.

A.but B.and C.so D.however

23.In my class,85%students ride bikes to school.So students get to school by bike.

A.all B.more C.most D.a few

24.—is it from your home to the hospital?

—It is about three miles.

A.How B.How long C.How far D.How often

25.The girl speaks English very

A.good B.nice C.fine D.well

26.I like talking with others.But Tom doesn’t.He often reads books.So Tom is than I am.

A.funnier B.more outgoing C.wilder D.calmer

27.Which would you like.this one or that one?

A.very B.well C.better D.good

28.John can’t get up so as his little sister.

A.many B.a lot C.a lot of D.a few

30.Is Tara’s book cheaper than?

A.he’s B.him C.your’s D.his


31.Thank you your letter.

32.There are some similarities Liu Li and Liu Ying.

33.My best friend Wang Ping is good sports.

34.That’s not very important me.

35.I like to have friends who are me.

36.She is quite different her brother.

37.Lily likes to do the same things me.

38.some ways we look the same.

39.I go to lots parties on weekends.

40.She is very popular school.


A man saw a fisherman standing 41 a lake with a mirror(境子).

“42”,he said,“could you tell me 43 you’re doing?

“I’m fishing”.

Fishing with a mirror?”the first man asked.

“Sure,it’s my new 44.”answered the fisherman.

“Could you tell me how it 45?”

“Okay,but it’ll 46.”you a hundred dollars.”

The man wanted to know the answer,so he gave the fisherman the money.The fisherman said,”First you aim the mirror into the water,and a fish goes by,you let the ray(光线)of the sun on 47 head.The fish is puzzled and then you 48 it.”

“So 49 have you caught?”

“You are 50 one today!”answered the fisherman.

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