
来源:易贤网 阅读:864 次 日期:2017-05-03 09:12:33

A:Your tree looks beautiful. Do you decorate it this way every year?你们的树看起来好漂亮。你们每年都这么布置吗?

B:Yes, it's a family tradition dating back to my childhood. We use the same lights and ornaments, but of course we have a new tree each year.The children made some of these decorations. Here, you can hang this on one of those high branches.是的。记得从我孩提时候开始这就是家里的传统了。我们用一样的灯泡和装饰品;当然,我们每年都用一棵新树。这些装饰中有一部分是孩子们弄的。给,你可以把这个吊在一根高枝上。

A:Well, everything seems to be just about ready. Now all we need is snow.Do you exchange the presents in the morning?似乎一切都准备就绪了。现在我们都希望的是下一场雪了。 你们在早上交换礼物吗?

B:Oh, yes. The kids are too excited to wait. After we clean up the mess all the empty boxes and the wrapping paper we have a big breakfast. Then the kids have the whole day to play with their new toys.是的。孩子们兴奋得迫不及待。我们把杂物打扫完——所有这些空盒子和包装纸之后,我们就会吃团圆早餐。然后,孩子们会有一整天的时间玩他们的新玩具。

A:And we'll have a great turkey dinner at around four o'clock. My brother and his family will be joining us.I look forward to meeting them. Well, it's late, so I'll say good night. I'll see you early tomorrow, so I can share your Christmas morning.Good night!我们会在四点钟左右吃火鸡。我兄弟和他的家人也会来和我们共餐。我很希望见到他们。好了,太晚了,我要说再见了。明天我会一大早来看你们,那样我就可以和你们分享圣诞早晨了。晚安!

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