
来源:易贤网 阅读:912 次 日期:2017-05-05 08:59:54

A:How come you're still up? Shouldn't you be asleep by now?你怎么还醒着?难道昨晚到现在你都没合眼吗?

B:I've been having a hard time sleeping lately.我最近一直很难入睡

A:As far as I know, insomnia is usually caused by stress. Are you stressed at all?据我说知,失眠往往是由压力引起的。你压力很大吗?

B:Well, I'm really worried about my grades. I didn't think this course would be so stressful.是的,我真的很担心我的考试成绩。我没想到这门课压力会这么重。

A:You're a good student. I'm sure you can do well. What you need to do is to relax.你是个好学生。我相信你能学的很好。你需要做的是放松心情。

B:You're probably right. I just wish it were that simple. How can I stop feeling so anxious all the time?你也许是对的。我只是希望能简简单单的。我怎么才能不这么焦虑呢?

A:Taking a yoga class or learning some relaxation techniques can help you cope with your stress.上个瑜伽班或者学习一些能够让自己放松的方法,这些能够帮你减压。

B:I don't really have time to learn anything new. I need to spend my time studying!我实在没时间学习任何新玩意了。我得把时间都用来学习。

A:You need to take some breaks throughout the day. Studying all day isn’t very usually effective.你一天中总得休息几次。整天都在学习,那效率也不会太高的。

B:You’re right. I usually end up staring at my computer or checking my email instead of doing my work for class.你说的对,我常常对着电脑发呆,或者收看电子邮件,而作业却没写。

A:Besides, it’s not diffciult to learn yoga. In fact, I can teach you a move that’s supposed to help you fall asleep! You just have to sit down like this, bend over and breath in deeply.另外,学瑜伽其实不怎么难。其实,我可以教你一个动作,没准儿可以帮你入睡。你只需要像这样坐着,弯腰然后深呼吸。

B:That’s fantastic. I’m going to go try that out in my room now. good night!这太神奇了。我现在就回我房间试着做做看。晚安!

A:Good night, sleep tight; don’t let the bed bugs bite!晚安,睡得香点,别让臭虫咬到!(英国儿歌)

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