
家庭话题对话:我急需一名临时保姆 Babysitter
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A:Listen, Karen, I need your help. I don't know anyone here yet.听着,凯伦,我需要你的帮忙。在这里我还不认识人。

B:I'm glad to help you. What's wrong?我很乐意帮你,怎么了?

A:My mother-in-law just went into the hospital in L.A.Hank and I will be flying there tonight.我婆婆刚刚在洛杉矶住院了。今晚汉克和我要飞过去那里。

B:I'm sorry to hear it. What's wrong with her?我感到很难过,她怎么了?

A:Doctors aren't sure yet.But the real problem is Suzy. She has a bad cold,and we don't want to take her with us. But we don't know who can stay with her.医生还不确定。但是问题是苏丝,她得了重感冒,我们不想带她一起去。可是不知道谁可以陪她。

B:You need a babysitter.你需要一个临时保姆。

A:Yes, I'd ask Jill, the girl I've had before, but I need someone overnight.Maybe even for two nights.是的,我会找吉儿,以前曾经找过的女孩,但是我需要能过夜的人。也许两个晚上。

B:I could have Suzy stay at my place.苏丝可以待在我家。

A:I don't want to do that to you, Karen.凯伦,我不想麻烦你。

B:Why not?为什么?

A:Your own kids would get Suzy's cold.I think it would be better to have a good babysitter here. But I don't know who to ask.I need someone more mature than Jill. It might even be for two or three days.你自己的孩子会被苏丝传染感冒。找个临时保姆在这里比较好,可是我不知道找谁。我需要比吉儿成熟一点的,可能要两三天。

B:I know who we can ask. There is a girl I know, Sara Ralston.She is 17, and she will usually take this kind of job.I know her from my church, and I trust her completely.我知道可以找谁,我认识一个女孩叫莎拉·瑞斯顿。她十七岁,经常做这种差事。我在教会认识她的,而且我完全信任她。

A:I'd like to talk with her.This is short notice, I know. But Hank and I are leaving tonight.我想跟她谈谈。我知道这很突然,但是汉克和我今晚就要离开了。

B:I'll get you her number. I hope she can do it. She is very responsible.我给你她的电话,希望她能帮忙,她很有责任感的。

A:I'm glad you know someone. I knew you would be the best person to ask about this.I don't want to insult Jill or her mother. I think Jill maybe could do it.But I'd rather have someone a little older.很高兴你认识人,我就知道这种事找你就对了。我不是要批评吉儿或是她妈妈。吉儿可能做得来,但是我比较想找年纪大一点的。

B:I'll go home and get Sara's number. I'll call her first myself.我回家找莎拉的电话,我先打给她。

A:Great. Then call me and let me know if she's free.好的。然后打电话给我看看她是不是有空。

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