
来源:易贤网 阅读:831 次 日期:2017-05-19 09:30:54

A:I'm glad we came here. This is really delicious!很高兴来到这里。这真的很美味。

B:I was worried you would think it was too far to drive.我担心你会觉得开车太远。

A:Well, it's true I've never driven two hours just to get lunch.But really, I think it's worth it.这倒是真的,我从未开过两个小时的车子,只是为了吃顿午餐。但是不错,我觉得很值得。

B:I think if you try some more authentic Chinese food,you might understand how we students from Taiwan suffer.如果你再吃些地道的中国菜,你就会了解我们台湾学生所遭受的了。

A:How do you mean "suffer"?你说“遭受”是什么意思?

B:I mean, in Milwaukee there is no good Chinese food.So we miss the food in Taiwan too much.Sometimes we just have to drive down here to Chicago to find something better.在密尔瓦基市都没有好吃的中国菜,所我们很怀念台湾的食物。有时候我们只好开车下来芝加哥找些好吃的东西。

A:Even in the winter?连冬天都这样吗?

B:Yes, even in the winter.是的,甚至在冬天也是这样。

A:And even if it takes two hours, huh?而且甚至要花两个小时,是吗?

B:Why not? I've been craving good food for three weeks now.I'm too sick of hamburgers and pizza!有何不可呢?我已经渴望美食三个星期了。我受够了汉堡包和比萨。

A:Well, this really is delicious, I have to admit.I can understand better now why you and your friends are always whining.这真的很好吃,我必须承认。现在我比较能够了解为什么你和你的朋友总是在抱怨。

B:Don't tease me! Good food is really important to Chinese!别取笑我了!美食对中国人来说是很重要的。

A:I know. I can see that. This is what is called "dim sum," right?我知道,看得出来。这就是“点心”对不对?

B:Yes, all these dishes are different "dim sum" dishes.You can't find this kind of thing except for in a few cities in America.是的,这些菜肴都是不同的点心。在美国除了少数几个城市,你找不到这类食物的。

A:So when you Chinese think of Chinatown,you mostly think of food. Is that right?所以当你们中国人想到中国城,几乎都想到吃的,对不对?

B:Of course.I will try to buy some things at the Asian grocery down the block too.Then I can do a little cooking in my apartment.当然。我还要在下一条街的亚洲杂货店买些东西。那么我就可以在自己的公寓煮些东西。

A:And maybe we can go to a good Italian restaurant for dinner, after the museum.Chicago has some great Italian restaurants.也许参观完博物馆,我们可以去意大利餐厅吃晚餐。芝加哥有一些很棒的意大利餐厅。

B:No way!绝不!

A:What do you mean?你是什么意思?

B:We're going up to the "new" Chinatown for dinner.I already know where we're going to go.我们要去新中国城吃晚餐。我已经知道我们要去哪里了.

A:Alright, alright. I am happy to try more Chinese food.Will it be dim sum again?好吧,好吧,我很乐意多吃些中国菜。又是吃点心吗?

B:No, dim sum is usually eaten around lunch time,or sometimes closer to breakfast.We'll try more Taiwanese style up at the "new" Chinatown.不是。点心通常是午餐吃的,有时候更接近早餐的时间。我们要在新中国城多吃些台湾菜。

A:Taiwanese style? Isn't dim sum Taiwanese style?台湾菜?点心不是台湾菜吗?

B:No, dim sum is more Cantonese style.But of course you can buy it in Taiwan.不是,点心比较像是广东菜。当然在台湾也买得到。

A:I wonder if you can cook things this good.我在想,你能煮得这么好吃吗?

B:I'm a great cook actually. You will see.事实上我很会做菜,你等着看好了。

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