
来源:易贤网 阅读:1697 次 日期:2017-05-27 09:25:16

—繁漪 P—周萍

F:You’ve been dodging from me .


F:I wish you could stay with me a moment.

P: What for? You keep reminding us of what we regret most.

F: I don’t regret.I’ve never regretted anything.

P:But I do.I’ve made such a mess of my life. I’m a disgrace to myself,to my father.

F:There’s one you disgraced most of all.Your stepmother,the woman you seduced!

P:You must be mad!

F:You’re responsible for my misery.You can’t just run off your own!

P:It’s an outrageous thing to say.In a respectable family like father’s!

F:Respectable?(冷笑) The sins of the Zhous, I’ve heard about them,seen them,even committed them myself.What I’ve done, I am responsible for.


F:unlike your father,or grandfather,doing the most atrocious in private,Yet put the blame on others,and wore a mask of morality, philanthropist,Respectable figures!

P:You’ve gone mad!

F:Your father is the hypocrite of all.You are the illegitimate! the poor girl gave birth to you.Because your father deserted her,she drowned herself.

P:You’re making it all up!

F:He himself told me 15 years ago when he was druck once.

P:Alright,alright.I l take your words. So what,what are you driving at?

F:Your father left her for a rich girl,who died later,then he tricked me into coming here and turned me to a stone,dead and liveless.Suddenly you came along.and made me what I am. Half stepmother,half mistress.It’s you who seduced me!

P:seduced? Do you recall what happened?

F: Do you recall?In this very room,the sweet things you said to me?You said you hated your father, you said you wished he were dead,you would do anything to desrtroy him.Have you forgotten all that?

P:A young man committed a lolly and that is it.Can’t you forgive him?

F:It is not a question of forgiveness!I had resigned myself to fate.But you came along and revived me,only to desert me later,and leave me dying.


F:Tell me what I should do now……

P:Whatever you want..

F:萍.I want you to stay.

P:Do you mean to stay with you in this house and get suffocated?

F:As you know how dreadful this house is,How can you have the heart to go and leave me behind?

P:You have no right to say that.You’ve still chong’s mother.

F:No,I’m not.I’ve given you my life and honour.I couldn’t care anything else.I’m no longer his mother,no longer 周朴园’s wife.

P:Even if you don’t regard yourself as my father’s wife,I still recognise myself as his son.

F:Your father’s son! (笑)Your father’s son!(大笑)

You are a bunch of chicken,not worth anybody’s sacrifice.I should have known……

P:Now you know,don’t you? I told you many times before.I loathe my relationship with you.I admit I did something wrong.Yet I hold you responsible.I thought you would be intelligent and understanding enough to forgive me.

Call me a philanderer,or whatever. But let me told you,this meeting is going to be our last.

繁 回来,(萍停步)我请你略微坐一坐。

萍 什么事?你让我想起我们最后悔的事情。

繁 我不后悔,我向来做事没有后悔过。

萍 但我后悔,我认为我生平做错一件大事。我对不起自己,对不起弟弟,更对不起父亲。

繁 (低沉地)但是最对不起的人有一个,你最对不起的是我,是你曾经引诱的后母!

萍 (有些怕她)你疯了。

繁 你欠了我一笔债,你对我负着责任;你不能看见了新的世界,就一个人跑。

萍 我认为你用的这些字眼,简直可怕。这种字句不是在父亲这样--这样体面的家庭里说的。

繁 (气极)父亲,父亲,你撇开你的父亲吧!体面?你也说体面?我听过,我见过,我做过。我做的事,我自己负责任。不像你们的祖父,叔祖,同你们的好父亲,偷偷做出许多可怕的事情,祸移在别人身上,外面还是一副道德面孔,慈善家,社会上的好人物。

萍 你不要乱说话。

繁 萍,你再听清楚点,你就是你父亲的私生子!

萍 (惊异而无主地)你瞎说,你有什么证据?

繁 请你问你的体面父亲,这是他十五年前喝醉了的时候告诉我的。(指桌上相片)你就是这年青的姑娘生的小孩。她因为你父亲又不要她,就自己投河死了。

萍 你,你,你简直……--好,好,(强笑)我都承认。你预备怎么样?你要跟我说什么?

繁 你父亲对不起我,他用同样手段把我骗到你们家来,我逃不开,生了冲儿。十几年来像刚才一样的凶横,把我渐渐地磨成了石头样的死人。你突然从家乡出来,是你,是你把我引到一条母亲不像母亲,情妇不像情妇的路上去。是你引诱我的!

萍 引诱!我请你不要用这两个字好不好?你知道当时的情形怎么样?

繁 你忘记了在这屋子里,半夜,我哭的时候,你叹息着说的话么?你说你恨你的父亲,你说过,你愿他死,就是犯了灭伦的罪也干。

萍 年青人一时糊涂,做错了的事,你就不肯原谅么?(苦恼地皱着眉)

繁 这不是原谅不原谅的问题,我已预备好棺材,安安静静地等死,一个人偏把我救活了又不理我,撇得我枯死,慢慢地渴死。让你说,我该怎么办?

萍 那,那我也不知道,你来说吧!

繁 (一字一字地)我希望你不要走。

萍 怎么,你要我陪着你,在这样的家庭,每天想着过去的罪恶,这样活活地闷死么?

繁 你既知道这家庭可以闷死人,你怎么肯一个人走,把我放在家里?

萍 你没有权利说这种话,你是冲弟弟的母亲。

繁 我不是!我不是!自从我把我的性命,名誉,交给你,我什么都不顾了。我不是他的母亲。不是,不是,我也不是周朴园的妻子。

萍 (冷冷地)如果你以为你不是父亲的妻子,我自己还承认我是我父亲的儿子。

繁 (冷冷地)怎么说,你到底是你父亲的儿子。(笑)父亲的儿子?(狂笑)父亲的儿子?(狂笑,忽然冷静严厉地)哼,都是没有用,胆小怕事,不值得人为他牺牲的东西!我恨着我早没有知道你!

萍 那么你现在知道了!我对不起你,我已经同你详细解释过,我厌恶这种不自然的关系。我告诉你,我厌恶。我负起我的责任,我承认我那时的错,然而叫我犯了那样的错,你也不能完全没有责任。你是我认为最聪明,最能了解的女子,所以我想,你最後会原谅我。我的态度,你现在骂我玩世不恭也好,不负责任也好,我告诉你,我盼望这一次的谈话是我们最末一次谈话了。(走向饭厅门)

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