
英文剧本:勇闯黄金城 The Road to El Dorado
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∮ [ Flamenco-Style Guitar lntro ]

∮ [ Pop, Up-Tempo ]

∮ Our glorious city ∮

∮ Was built by the divinities ∮

∮ By gods who saw fit ∮

∮ To bestow ∮

∮ The gift of a paradise ∮

∮ Peaceful and harmonious upon ∮

∮ Us mere mortals below ∮

∮ And made El Dorado ∮

∮ The magnificent and golden ∮

∮ One thousand years ago ∮

∮ El Dorado El Dorado ∮

∮ El Dora-a-a-a-do ∮

- Today, we sail... - [ Nickers ]

to conquer the New World...

- for Spain, for glory, for gold! - [ Crowd Clamoring ]

- [ Crowd Cheering ] - [ Man Shouting ] Viva Cortes!

[ Whinnying ]

[ Grunts ] Altivo, eyes forward.

- Seven! - All right!

- Yes! - Partner! Hee-hee!

- ∮ Tons of gold for you ∮ - Hey!

- ∮ Tons of gold for me ∮ - Hey!

- [ Both ] ∮ Tons of gold for we ∮ - Hey!

- One more roll! - ∮ [ Plucks Notes ]

Uh, guys, you're broke!

- You got nothin' to bet with! - Oh, yeah? l got this!

- [ Man ] A map! - A map? - A map!

A map of the wonders of the New World.

- Wow! Let's have a look. - [ Scoffs ]

[ lndistinct Muttering ]

Uh, Tulio!

- Excuse us, for one moment, please. - Tulio, look!

- El Dorado, the city of gold. - [ Sighs ]

This could be our destiny, our fate.

Miguel, if l believed in fate,

l wouldn't be playing with loaded dice.

- Hmmm. [ Chuckling ] - Not with the face. No, no, no, no, no.

- No! No! No! - [ Whimpering, Panting ]

l said one more roll!

My map against your cash.

- Hmm? - [ Dice Clattering ]

- All right, peewee. You're on! - Not with those!

This time we use my dice. Ehh, got a problem with that?

[ Whimpers ] No.

[ Whispers ] l'm going to kill you.

Come on, baby. Papa needs that crappy map.

[ Giggles ]

- [ Scoffs ] - [ Blows ]

Stop that!

Show me seven!

[ Gasps ]

[ Crowd Exclaims, Cheers ]

- Seven! - All right!

- Seven! - [ Groans ]

[ Laughing ] There it is! Well, nice doing business with you.

- [ Grunting ] l knew it! - [ Crowd Gasping ]

[ Gasps ]

Your dice are loaded!

What? You gave me loaded dice?

[ Grunts ]

- He gave me loaded dice! - [ Crowd Murmurs ]

- Guard, arrest him! - You dare to impugn my honor?

He was the one who was cheating!

Arrest him! He tricked these sailors and took their money!

- Oh, now, l'm the thief? - Yes.

Take a look in the mirror, pal!

Oh, you better give them that money back, or l'll--

- En garde! - En garde, yourself.

l will give you the honor of a quick and painless death.

But not with that. Ha! l prefer to fight fairly. Aha!

- [ Growls ] - Well, any last words?

l will cut you to ribbons,

- fool! - Such mediocrity.

Let your sword do the talking.

- l will. lt will be loquacious to a fault! - Ha! Take that!

[ Both Grunting ]

- You... mincing, fencing, twit. - Ah, you fight like my sister.

l fought your sister. That's a compliment.

- Braggart! - Heathen!

- [ Man ] Kill him! - Not the face. Not the face.

[ All Gasping, Clamoring ]

Ladies and gentlemen, we've decided it's a draw.

[ Miguel ] Thank you all for coming.

- You've been great. See you soon. - Adios!

- Congratulations. You're very good. - No. That was good.

- Very-- - [ Snort ]

- [ Gasping ] - [ Mooing, Snorting ]

- We should have kept our swords, l think. - Y-Yeah.

- [ Snorting ] - [ Tulio Whispering ] Yeah, l've got a plan.

- What is it? - Uh, well-- Uh, you...

- pet him, and... l'll... - Yeah.


- Uh, well, thanks a lot! - [ Bull Bellowing ]

[ Both ] Whoa!

- There they are! - [ Hooves Screeching ]

[ Male Chorus ] ∮ Hey, hey, hey, hey Hey, hey, hey, hey ∮

- [ Woman Screaming ] - Bye. Thank you!

- [ All Gasping ] - [ Bellowing ]

[ Chorus ] ∮ Ole ∮

[ Groans ]

[ Fabric Ripping ]

[ Both Grunting ]

- Uhh-- - Ohh--

- l'll bet we can make that. - [ Men Shouting ]

- [ Guard ] There they are! - Two pesetas says we can't.

You're on!

[ Both Yelling ]

- [ Miguel ] You lose! - [ Coins Jingling ]

- [ Miguel ] Ohhh! - [ Tulio ] Whoa! What's happening here?

We're both in barrels. That's the extent of my knowledge.

[ Muffled Grunts, Groans ]

Okay, Miguel, we gotta move fast.

- On three, we jump out and head for the dock. - Good. Good. Excellent.

[ Together ] One, two, three--

- [ Both Grunting ] Th-Three! - [ Creaking ]

- [ Both Straining ] Three! Ohh! - [ Creaking Continues ]

[ Straining ] Three!

[ Tulio ] Uh, you ready? Ah, okay. One more. Let's go.

[ Together ] One, two, three!

- [ Fly Buzzing ] - [ Wind Whistling ]

- Excuse us. - Okay. We're outta here.

- Who ordered the, uh, pickles? - [ Sailor Laughing ]

[ Grunting ]


- My crew was as carefully chosen as the disciples of Christ. - [ Cracks Knuckles ]

- And l will not tolerate stowaways. - [ Gulps ]

You will be flogged. And when we put into Cuba to resupply,

God willing, you will be flogged some more...

and then enslaved on the sugar plantations...

for the rest of your miserable lives.

To the brig.

All right! Cuba!

- [ Gasps ] - [ Gasps ]

∮ [ Whistling ]

- [ Chuckles ] - [ Nickers ]

Hey, Altivo! Ah-ta-ta, not for you!

You're on half rations. Orders from Cortes.

- [ Gasps ] - [ Banging ]

[ Banging Continues ]

So, uh, how's the-- How's the escape plan coming?

All right. All right. Wait!

- l'm getting something. - Yeah.

Okay! Here's the plan.

- ln the dead of night, you and l grab some provisions, - Mm-hm.

hijack one of those longboats,

and then we row back to Spain like there's no manana!

- Back to Spain, yeah? - Yeah.

- ln a rowboat. - You got it!

Great. Sensational. And that-that's your plan, is it?

- That's pretty much it. - Well, l like it.

- So, how do we get on deck? - Umm.

ln the dead of night, you and l grab some provisions,

- hijack one of those longboats-- - Uh, great.

Okay, what's your idea, smart guy?

Wh-Wh-What do you mean? Don't ask me that! You're the one with the plans.

- [ Horse Whinnying ] - Wait, l-- l have an idea.

Uh, come on. Give me-- Give me a boost.

Hey, Altivo.


You want a nice apple? Come and get it.

- [ Hooves Clattering ] - You have to do a trick for me first.

Huh? [ Sputtering ]

All you have to do is find a pry bar.

A long piece of iron with a hooky thing at the end. Yeah?

- Miguel, you're talking to a horse! - [ Hooves Clattering ]

That's it, Altivo, find the pry bar.

- Yes, find the pry bar. - [ Whinnying ]

- He can't understand "pry bar." - [ Clattering Continues ]

He's a dumb horse. There's no way--

[ Whinnying ]

Well, it's not a pry bar.

- [ Wind Howling ] - [ Ship Creaking ]

- [ Gasps ] - [ Nickers ]

Oh, Altivo. Oh, thank you, old boy.

Listen, if we can ever return the favor--

For Pete's sake, Miguel, he's a ruthless warhorse, not a poodle.

Come on, before he licks you to death.

- Adios. - [ Whinnies ]

Shh, shh. Shh. Quiet, please.

- What's the matter with him? - Oh, he wants his apple.

- Well, give it to him before he wakes the whole ship! - [ Bellowing ]

- Fetch! - [ Whinnying ] Huh?

[ Snoring ]

[ Gasps ] Hmm?

[ Hoofbeats Clatter, Stop Abruptly ]

- Huh? - Huh? - [ Whinnying ]

[ Whinnying ]

- Altivo! - Huh? Miguel!

[ Yelling ]

- Altivo, l'm coming! - Miguel!

Just hang on! l'm right here, old boy!

- Have you lost your mind? - Help is coming!

[ Gasps ]

Ho-o-ly ship!

[ Miguel, Tulio ] Whoa!

[ All Gasping ]

- Loop the rope under the horse! - Yes!

On the count of three, pull back on the rope.

- What? [ Gasps ] - Three!

- [ Tulio ] Pull! - [ Grunting ]

Tulio! Hey, it worked!

Did any of the supplies make it?

- Well, uh, yes and no. - [ Crunching Sound ]

Ohhh, great!

Look on the positive side. At least things can't get--

Excuse me. Were you going to say "worse"?

- No. No. - No? You're sure?

- Absolutely not. l've revised the whole thing. - Okay, because--

- [ Tulio ] Yeah, we're at least in a rowboat. - We're in a rowboat, exactly.

[ Miguel ] You miss nothing.

[ Grunting, Groaning ]

- [ Grunting, Groaning Continue ] - [ Whinnying ]

[ Yelling ]

- [ Groaning ] - [ Gasps ]

[ Together ] Ahh!

[ Coughs ]

[ Smacking Lips ]

[ All Sobbing ]

Tulio, did you ever imagine it would end like this?

- The horse is a surprise. - [ Nickers ]

Any... regrets?

Besides dying? Yeah.

l never... had enough... gold.

My regret, besides dying, is...

our greatest adventure is over before it began,

and no one will even remember us.

Well, if it's any consolation, Miguel,

you... made my life...

an adventure. [ Sobbing ]

And if it's any consolation, Tulio, [ Sniffles ]

- you made my life... rich. - [ Sobbing Continues ]

[ Scoffs, Sputters ]

[ Both Sobbing ]

[ Shuddering Gasp ]

[ Moans ]

- [ Gasps ] ls it? - Hmm. [ Gasps ]

lt is! lt's-- lt's-- lt's-- lt's-- lt's--

[ Both ] lt's land!

- [ Both Screaming ] - [ Whinnying ]

All in favor of getting back in the boat, say "aye."

- Aye! - Aye! Go! - [ Nickers ]

Hey, Miguel! l could use a little help!

Miguel! Hello!

Tulio! We've done it!

- What's that? The map? - lt's all right here!

You still have the map?

The whistling rock! The stream!

You kept the map, but you couldn't grab a little more food?

Even those mountains. You said so yourself:

lt could be possible. And it is!

lt really is... the map to El Dorado! [ Panting ]

- You drank seawater, didn't you? - Oh, come on!

l'm not coming on!

l wouldn't set foot in that jungle for a million pesetas!

- How about a hundred million? - What?

l just thought that, after all, since El Dorado is the city of gold--

- What's your point? - You know, dust, nuggets, bricks,

a temple of gold where you can pluck gold from the very walls.

But you don't want to go, so let's...

get back into the boat and row back to Spain.

-After all, it worked so well last time. -[ Gibberish ] Wait!

Mmm. Wait a minute. New plan.

We find the city of gold. We take the gold,

- and then we go back to Spain. - And buy Spain!

- Yeah! - That's the spirit!

- Come on, Tulio. We'll follow that trail! - What trail?

The trail that we blaze!

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