A:Why are there still so many people overweight despite the current fitness craze?现在健身这么火,为什么还是有那么多人超重呢?
B:Well, there are certain factors that effect people's size and weight.嗯,还是有一些因素会影响人们的体型和体重的.
A:What are they?都有哪些因素呢?
B:One study said that low-income groups have a higher percentage of over-weight people than higher income families.有研究表明低收入人群超重的比例比高收入人群高.
B:The survey said that the low, income groups eat more junk food on a daily basis.说低收入人群每天吃太多的垃圾食品.
A:That makes sense. Probably less time to make dinner and the junk food is cheaper.可以理解,他们每天工作忙,没时间做饭,垃圾食品又比较便宜.
B:And junk food contains lots of fat and oil. There is one final reason why so many people are fat.垃圾食品油脂含量又高.不过还有另外一个原因.
A:What's that?什么?
B:Nobody exercises any more-not even kids! The average American home has the TV on for 6 hours a day!现在很少有人锻炼身体,甚至小孩都不锻炼.家里电视一天至少开6个小时.
A:Wow! No wonder people are so fat. Say, Carl, looks like you could be doing a bit more exercising.天啊.怪不得人们变得这么胖.卡尔,你是不是也该锻炼锻炼身体了?
B:Yeah, I guess so.可能吧.
A:You should consider eating healthier food and getting some more exercise.你可要注意饮食了,多做锻炼啊.
B:Hey, I started a diet and lost 10 pounds.我节食一段时间,瘦了10磅呢.
A:So what happened?后来呢?
B:Well, I quit and gained it back plus 5 pounds.我放弃了,结果体重反弹,又胖了5磅.
A:You should have kept trying.贵在坚持啊.