
来源:易贤网 阅读:749 次 日期:2017-08-07 09:11:53


Meeting the manager

A: Good afternoon. I suppose you are Ms. Monica. My name is Mr. Thomas, the general manager of ABC Company. Here is my business card.

B: Thank you very much.

A: I am very impressed by your resume. Therefore, I am very interested to know why you’re willing to leave your current company.

B: I am looking for a more challenging position. I can’t grow anymore in my current job.

A: Ok, I understand. But why you choose us to work for?

B: I have studied carefully the information about your company on the internet and I have checked your company’s homepage. I am impressed by the company. And I like the products a lot. Since you’re growing steadily, I would be very eager to help you to improve your accounting system.

A: How do you work with a team?

B: I work quite well with a team. I’m a good team player. I respect people, cooperate well with member’s team. And I will do my best to help team members.

A: What’s your long term goal?

B: I’d like to bring to ABC Company not only my technical skills, ambition, enthusiasm, but also my loyalty, a sincere desire to become an administrative assistant. It is the hardest of my career plans.


A: 下午好,你应该就是Monica小姐吧,我是Thomas,ABC公司的总经理。这是我的名片。

B: 谢谢

A: 你的简历让我印象深刻,我很想知道你为什么离开现在工作的公司?

B: 我喜欢可以找一个更有挑战性的工作。现在的工作已经不能让我有所发展。

A: 恩,我理解你的意思。那么你为什么选择我们公司呢?

B: 我在网上仔仔细细地看了一下贵公司情况的介绍,我也查看了一下贵公司的介绍,给我留下了深刻的印象。我也很欣赏贵公司的一些产品。贵公司现在的发展状况非常稳定,我也真诚地希望可以成为团队的一份子,改进公司的财务系统。

A: 你的团队工作能力怎样?

B: 我有很强的团队工作能力。我可以很好地团队合作。我尊重他人,能够和团队的其他人很好地合作。我也会尽自己的最大力量来帮助团队中的其他成员。

A: 您的长远规划是什么?

B: 我希望自己带给ABC公司的不仅仅是技术上的力量,还包括我的目标,热情和忠诚,以及成为一名行政助理的愿望。这是我的失业规划中最主要的部分。

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