
来源:易贤网 阅读:762 次 日期:2017-08-08 08:55:56

We’ve all heard the stories about job interviews gone wrong, like the eager young applicant who brought a sandwich to the interview, because, after all, it was lunch time.


But a candidate’s first impression begins long before the interview. It starts with cover letter and CV or resume, which often are far from blemish-free.


BBC Capital asked recruiters, hiring managers, and career coaches to share some of the most egregious errors they see in applications — and how to fix them.

BBC Capital咨询了招聘人员、招聘主管以及职业生涯教练,让他们说说自己见到的简历中最离谱的错误——以及如何补救。

Cut and paste isn’t your friend


Matthew Lanier, a Boston-based corporate recruiter at technology staffing firm Eliassen Group, recalls the resume of an applicant in her twenties, who had mostly retail and customer-service experience. So he was surprised when lower down on the CV, he found an executive-level position with a major finance company and dates of employment spanning almost 10 years. Turns out the applicant had searched professional-looking resumes online, found one she really liked, and cut and pasted her own experiences over it. But, she mistakenly left some of the other person’s work history and personal contact information on the document.

来自波士顿技术人员配备公司伊莱亚森集团(Eliassen Group)的招聘人员马修·拉尼尔(Matthew Lanier)想起他看过的一份简历。应聘者年纪尚浅,二十多岁,却拥有着零售和客服方面丰富的经验。让他大吃一惊的是,继续往下看,却发现简历上印着一家大金融公司的行政岗,应聘日期几乎有十年之久。原来,求职者在网上搜了一份看上去很专业的简历,觉得挺满意,就把自己的经历剪切上去。但是,她忘了把别人的工作经历和联系方式删去了。

“You have to assume that your entire resume will be looked at prior to being contacted, and that a careless mistake could be the difference between getting the job you want or being passed over,” wrote Lanier in an email.


There’s also another important reason to take the extra time—you can more easily support your story in interviews, according to Lanier.


“There is a huge difference between the candidate who can naturally apply their experience to the questions being asked of them versus one who is looking down at their resume for every answer,” he said.


Toss the form letter


When Ed Zitron, founder of EZPR, a public relations firm in San Francisco, listed an opening for a paid intern on InternMatch.com, he received more than 100 applications. Not one contained a personal cover letter.

旧金山公关公司EZPR的创始人艾德·基特隆(Ed Zitron)在实习生求职网(InternMatch.com)上发布了一个带薪实习岗后,收到了一百多份简历,但竟没有一份附有求职信。

“Every single one was a form letter, clearly copied and pasted,” said Zitron by email. Worse, almost none of the applicants even bothered to “put my name, or the firm's name, anywhere in the body” of the cover letter.


“I'm so easy to Google: you type my name in, there's my Twitter, there's my personal and my professional website,” Zitron said. “Getting even the most basic facts… is easy.”


His advice: Don’t send a generic cover letter, ever. Instead, share a bit of who you are and how that might relate to the position for which you are applying. Spend a few minutes Googling the firm. If you have a contact’s name, Google that person, too.


Be selective


Executive career coach Irene McConnell has clients who tell her they apply to more than 100 jobs per week. This is a big mistake, according to the director of Sydney-based Arielle Careers.

行政人员教练艾琳·麦康奈尔(Irene McConnell)说,有的客户表示,他们每周会投100多份简历。而据悉尼Arielle Careers公司的主管所言,这可是求职大忌。

“The recruiters remember your name and begin to associate it with ‘that dude/gal who spams me every time I put a job ad up’,” McConnell said.


Think of it like a house that’s on the market for too long. You start wondering what’s wrong with it and why it won’t sell.


Don’t think recruiters don’t know which applications have made the rounds. Some tell-tale signs: a resume and cover letter that are completely non-aligned, the wrong recruiter's name or an incorrect role of interest, according to McConnell. The recruiting world is a lot smaller than you might think.


“If you damage your reputation in the eyes of recruiters, it will be more difficult to get a call back even when you put a thought-through application in,” McConnell said.


Keep photos to yourself


Roy Cohen, a New York-based veteran career counsellor and executive coach, remembers when a new client included an image of herself in a bikini in her application packet.

来自纽约的资深职业顾问兼行政人员教练罗伊·科恩(Roy Cohen)表示,他最近的一个客户在自己的求职文件中放了一张自己的比基尼照。

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