
来源:易贤网 阅读:1077 次 日期:2017-08-31 09:17:06

A:Honey, which hand should I use to hold the fork?亲爱的,应该用哪只手来拿叉子啊?

B:Left for the fork and right for the knife. Just remember that the stronger one is for knife.左手拿叉右手拿刀。只要记住强壮点的那只手拿刀就可以了。

A:Got it. It's so troublesome to have western food. I've been learning the table manners for hours but still can't really get it.知道了。吃西餐可真是麻烦啊。我学习这些餐桌礼仪都用了好几个小时了,可还是没能真正学会。

B:Sure. Rather than eating, having western food is more about western culture.当然。吃西餐可不光光是吃,还包含了很多西方文化呢。

A:Yeah. Which restaurant are we going to tonight?是啊。我们今晚去哪家餐厅呢?

B:Cindy has reserved a table for us at a newly opened western restaurant downtown. She said the environment there was really pleasant.辛迪已经在市区新开的一家西餐厅帮我们预定好位置了。她说那里的环境很不错。

A:Fine. I believe in Cindy's taste. Oh, what should I wear?不错。我相信辛迪的眼光。哦,我该穿什么衣服呢?

B:You should put on the black suit I bought for you last week. But I'm afraid it may be a bit crumpled. You'd better iron it now.你就穿我上周给你买的那套黑色西服吧。但是我怕它有点皱了。你现在去把它拿出来烫一下。

A:I don't want to mess it up. Please do it for me. I'm going to the bank to cash some money. How much do we need?我不想把它弄得更糟糕。还是你帮我弄吧。我去银行取点钱。我们大概需要多少钱?

B:There is no need to do that. I think the restaurant accepts credit cards. But it's necessary to make a budget.没有必要那么做的。我想餐厅一定会受理信用卡的。不过倒是有必要作一个预算。

A:Honey, you are a good accountant. So I'd better leave that to you, too.亲爱的,你是一个出色的会计。所以我想这事还是留给你吧。

B:It seems that it's all about me. Then what do you do?看起来所有的事情都是我在做。那么你做什么呢?

A:I'll take care of the order.我会负责点餐的。

B:OK then. Well, 50 Yuan for appetizer, 200 Yuan for dinner and 200 Yuan for wine. Anything else?那好吧。这样,开胃菜50元,200元正餐,还有200元的酒。还有别的吗?

A:Don't forget about the dessert.别忘了甜点。

B:OK, then 50 Yuan for dessert. 500 Yuan all together.行,再加50元的甜点。一共是500元。

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