
当传统遇上创新 Tradition and Innovation
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There is a vivid saying which says “If tradition can be likened to the roots and trunk of a tree, innovation is its leaves and fruits.”


I quite applaud this simile. From my perspective, tradition and innovation are doomed to coexist perpetually. First and foremost, tradition is a solid foundation for innovation, with abundant nutrition we can absorb, such as scientific experiment approaches and science spirits.


Secondly, it’s the drawbacks of tradition in certain fields that give rise to inspiration and momentum to innovate. For instance, Thomas Edison, who caught the sight of the inconvenience of traditional gas light, conducted experiments and eventually invented light bulb.


On the contrary, innovation will certainly fight against tradition. When an innovation satisfies people’s expectation ,it can gain popularity and finally make itself a new element in tradition ,which will be held in high esteem.


In a word, tradition and innovation can never be separated. At the very time, with the ever-increasing speed of innovation, a diversity of newly-born technology and hi-tech products penetrate our daily life. I’m convinced that we’d better be absolutely conscious of our root——tradition and give priority to it. Only when we gain a thorough comprehension of it can we accomplish magnificent innovation and exert positive effect on our society as a whole.



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