
加拿大文学的崛起The Rise of Canadian Literature
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About two months ago, it has been announced that this year’s winner of Nobel Prize in literature was Alice Munro, she is from Canada, and she is famous for her short stories. Alice Munro’s winning for Nobel Prize gives her great reputation, but at the same time, people start to be more interesting in Canadian literature.


When we talk about world literature, the first thing comes out in our mind is British literature, then the American literature. They are the main literature in the world; the   winner of Nobel Prize in literature often belongs to them. However, as the world gets globalized, the winner is no longer limited in British and America, India and China begin to join the winner club. At this time, the club has more members, Canada also joins in.


Canadian literature is famous for short story, Alice Munro, Magaret Atwood, Magaret Launce and so on are the outstanding short story writers. The main character of their writing is that the readers understand the novel easily, but the novel is not that simple, the theme is impressing and profound. Alice Munro is skilled at describing the characters’ mind and their struggle. That is the reason why she wins the Nobel Prize.


It is true that Canadian literature is on the processing of rising, we can hear of many outstanding writers, their short story is excellent and will not spend too much time to read. In all, Canadian short story is worth to reading.



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