
平行志愿 Parallel Wish
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Many provinces have adopted the principle of parallel wish to enroll university students. But there are still lots of people knowing little about what is parallel wish. In order to help some students and their parents, now I want to introduce it.


The parallel wish throws the files according to the score first principle. Take Lin Kai for example, he has got a total mark of 620, and for the first options of university he puts university A in the first place, university B the second and university C the third. The lowest qualification score for university A is 630, university B 610 and university C 580. Obviously, university A is impossible for Lin Kai under both systems. However, by the new enrolling system, he is possibly to be enrolled either by university B or university C ,while under the old system, he can't be admitted to university becausehis score is no longer 620 but 590, with a reduction of 30.

平行志愿投档按分数优先原则。以林凯为例,他总分是620分,第一志愿他选择了大学A,第二志愿大学B,第三志愿大学C。这三所大学的最低合格分数分别是是630, 610,580。显然,不管是以前还是现在的录取体系,林凯是不可能被录取的。然而,在新的招生制度中,他还是可能会被大学B或者大学C录取的,而在旧的体制下,他可能会考不上大学因为他的分数不是620,也不是590,而是低了30分。

So we can see the new enrolling system is more reasonable than the old one.



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