
这个学期的新挑战 New Challenge in This Term
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How time flies! Now I am a sophomore as if I were a freshman yesterday. Only when I see new comers undertake the military training do I realize that I am different from them. I can see their curiosity about the campus through their eyes. As for me, I have been in college for about one year and I have more new challenges in this term.


After one year’s study, I become more experienced and more familiar with my profession. I was elected as the minister in my association. It is really a big challenge to me. On the one hand, I should pay more attention to those new friends and attach more importance to make them feel at ease. On the other hand, I ought to balance the study and my club activities. For example, I have ten lessons in Monday; what’s more, I have two meetings at noon and at dusk. How busy I am!


Although I am in a dilemma, I still have faith in myself. I agree that it’s important to keep busy because doing nothing will easily to focus on the fatigue, and then you may lose patience. Anyway, some busy work can improve my skills, and I still have free time to relax myself. Time doesn’t wait! I’ll grasp this semester to make every day precious and unforgettable so as to enrich myself both physically and mentally.



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