
小公司还是大公司?Do You Prefer to Work in Small Company or Big Company?
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When college students graduate, there is a big problem that they have to face by themselves. It is finding a job. It is well-known that the university students are hard to find a job, but there are still various companies. Therefore, what kind of companies should they pick are really a question. When it comes to this problem, some prefer to work in small companies, while some choose the big enterprise. As far as I am concerned, both small companies and big companies have their own advantages. As to how to choose, it should depend on personal situation.


On the on hand, small company is easy to get promotion. If you work in a small company, you can get improved faster. As you are capable to finish the job in your company, the boss in the small enterprise will pay special attention to you quickly. Of course, you can get promotion or become the main person in your company soon. However, you can’t make sure this in the big company, because there are so many talents in it and the boss has so many excellent staff.


On the other hand, working in the big company can help you earn lots of experience, which will benefit you whole life. The big enterprise will have higher standard rules and management and more experienced. All the things are you do not meet in school, which deserve your study. And in the big enterprise, you can have a better future after you get promotion.

另一方面,在大公司工作能帮助你获得大量的经验,这对你的整个人生都是有用的。大企业管理制度更严格,经验也更丰富。所有的这些都是你在没遇到过的,是值得你学习的。而且在大企业,升职后可以 获得一个美好的未来。

To sum up, no matter small enterprises or big companies are a good place for university students to learn. Which one is more suitable for them depending on their own choice and personal situation.



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