
汉语广泛使用的原因The Reason Why Chinese Becomes Global Used
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We all know that English is accepted by an increasing number, but Chinese now is used by more and more people in the world. Do you know why? Maybe there are not many people have studied this problem. I have thought a long time for the answer. Now I have my answer come out.


First of all, population plays important role. China is a country with a large population. Not to mention its population is in an increasing tendency. Ignoring Chinese rapid development, though China is a developing country, its own people will speak Chinese for sure. Then the language is spoken by an unimaginable number people. It is its own advantage. Not like some small countries, they have to try hard to make themselves to be accepted and then struggle to widen the using number of their language.


Secondly, development also couldn’t be ignored. With the right leading of Chinese leader, China has been developed quickly in the recently years. China has been accepted among the international world in the area of economic, culture, politics and so on. In another word, as Chinese comprehensive national strength has improved, the communication between international countries makes more and more foreigners want to learn Chinese to establish some friendly relationship with Chinese. This is also a force to be reckoned with.


In general, Chinese become more and more wildly used is a certainty for its own advantage and its effort.



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