
生活节奏 Pace of Life
来源:易贤网 阅读:886 次 日期:2014-04-21 17:19:13
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Looking around, you will find interesting difference between people’s pace of life. Some are always in a hurry and try to get everything done as soon as possible, while some other people always take their time and lead their life in a slow pace. What do you think is better? In my opinion, different life paces reflect various life concepts and both types have advantages and disadvantages.


One the one hand, people living a fast pace life are easier to get success. The people who are got used to in a hurry all the time will have more time to do the things that they want. And most of them are active. They have more opportunity to enjoy the happiness of success. However, they also lose something when they are hurry to pursue success. They forget to stop to enjoy life itself or treasure the beautiful scenery in their life. As a result, those people always have lots of success, but lack of love.


On the other hand, people who living a slow pace always can enjoy their life and be happy. The slow coaches always are more tolerant to themselves and others. They would have less stress for themselves, which may bring better mental and physical health. If they don’t push themselves to finish task, they will have more time to enjoy the beautiful scenery around their life and taste life. But, this kind of people will have less chance to be successful, because they don’t put their mind on it.


To sum up, the pace of life just is people’s choice. It is their life concept. There is nothing good or bad. But as for me, I may prefer a slower pace of life. It is just personal hobby.



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