
贫富的差距The Gap Between the Rich And the Poor
来源:易贤网 阅读:855 次 日期:2014-04-21 17:20:21
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It has been obvious that Chinese economy developed so fast thanks to the policy of Open and Reform. The main cities such as Beijing,Shanghaiand Shenzhen have become Chinese highly developed areas. While the problem comes, at the same time, the small cities is less rich, the people there is poor. The people in the main cities are much richer than whose in the small cities, the unfair situation makes some poor people hate the rich, they score what the rich do.


In china, there is no doubt that the gas between the rich and the poor has become larger, most of the fortune is owned by the rich, though the poor is working very hard, they still can’t change their situation. The number of the poor occupies most, while the rich is only a small group, as a result, the poor begin to query the society, they have the idea that no matter how hard they work, they are still the same. Such situation frustrates the workers, the unfairness let them hate the rich from their hearts.


The government has noticed the situation long time before, they try hard to balance the gas between the rich and the poor, they emphasize the fairness and carry out some relative policies.



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