
一个名人A Famous Person
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I want to tell you a famous person whom I particularly admire .You must be familiar with her. She name is XuXiDi and we usually called her “small s". Maybe you are surprised why I regard an entertainment star as idol. And maybe you think I'm a shallow person. Whatever you thought of me, it's exactly "small s" who teaches me many things.


"Small s” is famous for an entertainment show named "Kangxi coming" which is hosted by her and "CaiKangYong" in 2004. And she rewarded the fortieth Golden Bell Awards for the best entertainment show's host in 2005. She is very humors and brave. She just talks what she wants to. And it really requires a great courage for entertainment stars to behave themselves but "small s" does. When she misunderstands by the others, she doesn't care about what the others comment about her and act as what she it is. That's why I admire her particularly.


Her contribution to society is showing Taiwan's culture to mainland China. And in "Kangxi coming", she tries her best to help us know the real life of stars. What do they do, what do they worry about and what do they care about. And we know even though stars also have advantages and disadvantages just like every coin has two sides, Of course, we can get a lot of pleasure at the same time.



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