
人生中最痛苦的事The Greatest Pain in Life
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When it comes to the topic “What is the greatest pain in life?” People always take different views on that question.


When you ask a 4-year-old child, he might say the greatest pain is that his parents refuse to buy him the toys. For some students, failing the exams is the most painful thing. And I think for most people, losing the one they love is the greatest pain. Especially for those who can’t make things right before the one they love passes away. Or the ones they love left without saying goodbye.


From my perspective, the most painful thing in life is that you never try to do the things that you want just because you are afraid that the result may breakdown you. And this kind of things, I call it pity. As time goes by, the pain of pity become greater, because you’ll never have a second chance to try and take risks. And you’ll never know if you made a different choice, what kind of life you will have now, because everything ended with it. You have to live with pities in the rest of your life. I think that is the most painful thing. So I always convince myself, have a try for the things that I want even if I know I’m taking risks and it might make me sad. Sadness won’t last forever, but pity will.



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