
有必要上大学吗?Is it Necessary to go to University?
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With the increasing number of university graduate fail to find a job, some parents start to hold the opinion that going to university is nothing but waste money and time. They argue that if family has the money to support child to attend to university, they would rather to spend the money to support their child to start their own business, which might get more reward than go to university. In my point of view, I cannot agree with that.


In the first place, university is not a place only to learning knowledge from books, but also it could open a door to a brand new world to students. For instance, there are lots of students’ association in university, students could choose one or two to learn and practice their skills according to their hobbies, such as a university entrepreneurs club is a nice chose for a student who are going to start their own business after graduated, it will help them to make less mistakes on the road to success.


In the second place, who could guarantee that a high school graduates would make a success in business field. Apparently they are lack of professional business knowledge and experience. What’s the most important is that they are lack of contacts. Those factors will make them fail every easily, even though they have a strong money backup from their parents.


To speak frankly, students should go to university if they get the chance. It will be totally different from go to the social college.



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