
大学教育的目标The Goal of University Education
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According to many people, university is a springboard towards better jobs or higher salaries, and their only goal of university education is to get a degree. Why do you go to university? I believe different people have different answers to this question. As far as I am concerned, I do not agree with their opinion that university education is a springboard. Let me name my reasons.


First of all, university education can help student cultivate sentiments. People who are having university education must learn much more knowledge. This knowledge will help them cultivate their taste from their inside heart. What’s more, the atmosphere in college is also helpful in developing students’ personal quality.


Secondly, university education is a good place for students to prepare for going to society. College doesn’t like high school. Students have to learn many things besides study. This is the final stage before they enter the society for most students. Having university education helps them adapt the society easily.


Thirdly, university education will let students have a further knowledge in one field. Before going to university, students have to choose their major. This is because they have to learn specialized knowledge in that field. If they want to success, having knowledge about one thing deeply is necessary.

第三,大学教育可以让学生在一个领域中学到深刻的知识。在上大学前,学生们要选择自己的专业。这是因为他们要在某一领域学习专业的知识。如果 想成功,深入学习是很重要的。

To sum up, university education has many functions. It is not only a springboard for better jobs or higher salaries. They can’t set their goal for university education is to get a degree. It deserves more.



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