
中国足彩网证书,意味着中国足彩网机会?More Certificates, More Chances?
来源:易贤网 阅读:793 次 日期:2014-04-22 17:26:39
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Nowadays,it seems quite common that college students take part in different kinds of examinations, just in order to get the certificates. Some of them even take the exams more than once because the scores don’t meet their anticipation. According to them, more certificates mean more opportunities when finding jobs. However, I just do not agree.


First of all, many students do not have a clear idea why they attend the exam of certificates. Most of the people do so just because they hear these certificates will bring them a lot of benefits. They spend a large sum of time and money preparing for the coming exams. In order to pass it, some students even play truants. Some of the certificates even do not have the relation with their major field.


Second, students who spend too much time on the texts will definitely have negative effects on their major subjects. Most students spare no effort to pass the exams, even sacrifice their main courses.  The chief thing to remember is to master the major subjects knowledge, as to the certificates, they can reconsider after graduate from the university. Last but not least, the more certificates don’t mean more opportunities. Test can only prove that your scores have passed the line, it does not mean you have that competency.


A certificate does have its benefits to some extent, but it does not mean everything. Students should devote their precious time on their major subjects. Don’t follow others blindly to take part in the exams. Think twice before they really do.



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