
逃课大军 The Army of Skipping Classes
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It is not hard to see that the university’s class only has a few students attending to the course. As a Chinese student, we always follow the strict attendance rules from kindergarten to high school. But not in university, the attendance rule is only a very light supervisory touch. What’s more, most university students do not care their course like the old days, as long as they will not fail the course, class doesn't mean so much to them.


I think it is time for the skip army to stop doing this. First of all, almost all the students spend the money to go to university from their parents, the fee and the living expense could be 5000 to 20000 per year. Which means most students did not treasure the chance to receive the higher education, instead of playing computer in dormitory or somewhere else. What’s worse, the rebels fail to achieve their parent’s expectations even though they did not fail the course.


Second of all, the rebels will make the teachers feel pathetic about their teaching career. Teacher call the roll and if one miss too much attendance would fail the course, but this way doesn't work that much. Some teacher even thought that it is their fault to cause this situation, they blame themselves that they are not good enough to teaching so that the students don’t like to attend to their class. This is really a tragedy that they think of this way. The teacher didn’t know that some students skip classes because of laziness.


All in all, everyone skips now and then, but don’t make it a habit. We should treasure the chance to study knowledge and show some respect to the hard work of teacher.



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