
如何选择一份职业How To Choose a Job
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We are living in a fast pace world, we are under great pressure today. It is so important to find a good job, yet, as for everyone, choosing a good job is such a hard decision. One needs to think about many factors, I will show you the two main factors.


First, when choosing a job, interesting comes the first place. One can never do things well until he is really into them. Only interest can keep you work with enthusiasm and happily. Many guys choose jobs in a rush, having no time to think about what they really want, so they quit their jobs quickly. Such bad habit will bring them negative effect when they get interview next time.


Next, the position you choose must has a promising future. The work you do might not be in a good situation at first, but it must remain a huge space of promotion. We choose the job because we want to fight for our future, we want to get promoted after a certain time of work, the work sucks if we never have a chance to promote. Everyone deserves higher pay when they work hard, we need to store money for our plan, it is so naturally for us to be paid better.


Choosing a job, one has to be careful, because what you choose always decides what kind of person you are, what your future will be. Interest and chance are two main factors you need to pay attention to.



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