
偶像的坏影响 Bad Influence From Idol
来源:易贤网 阅读:706 次 日期:2014-06-05 18:16:30
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Most of us have someone who we idolize, for example, leaders, signers, movie stars or poets. We love them because they have something attract us, it can be appearance, character, acting skills and so on. Having someone to idolize is a good thing, for we are always trying act like them, it is a kind of positive power. However, if the idol is not behavior well, bad influence could be happen, especially for teenager.


In the first place, many teenagers are crazy about signers or movie stars, they will spend lots of time to act like them, it is a pretty cool ting for kids. Looking on the bright side, kids might work hard on learning singing, playing musical instrument, or study hard to go to the famous school where their idol used to go, which is great for them. At the same time, if the idol was exposed using drugs or they are an alcoholic, kids probably might copy their behavior. Kids in their age having difficulties to tell the right from wrong.


In the second place, idol as a public figure, their every moves are under the public’s watch, even their personal live. Recently, some words appear on a pupil’s composition, which is not fit on his age. Betrayal, mistress, hemp, so many negative power. A 5.6 years old boy shouldn’t know that words, toys, books, games are enough for childhood. As the news showed in everywhere, we couldn’t stop little kids from knowing that, all we can do is try other ways to minimize the bad influence for kids.


To sum up, bad influence from idol will hurt children’s innocent world. Parents and teachers should supervise them as soon as children’s behavior with a bad sign, and try to make them contact with the wonderful things, keep them away from negative power of their idol.



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