
学历和工作 Education Background and Work
来源:易贤网 阅读:790 次 日期:2014-06-05 18:21:47
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Recently, a hot news spreads in Weibo, it is said that a beautiful girl who has master degree quits her job as a website editor, she chooses to open a food shop, and she sells sleeve-fish, which makes great profit each day. When people question her decision, she says she is proud of herself and there are no high and low jobs. I appreciate her attitude, but people hold different ideas.


On the one hand, as a master degree student, she should use her talent and serve for the society. Opening the food shop, the girl loses her talent, what she has learned for many years just being useless. If the students have the chance in her position, they will choose the job that has something connect with the major. Working in the food shop doesn’t need the master degree.


On another hand, everyone has their own right to choose what they want to do; it is nothing with the major. There are no high and low jobs, every job has the excellent people, if they are happy, and they can choose their own work.


I appreciate the girl’s attitude towards life, though her job won’t bring her great reputation, she is happy about what she does, and that’s enough.



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