
一代宗师Grand Masters
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The movie was set up to tell us martial arts legend between south and north. The profound theme was that the real Kung Fu master must see himself, see heaven and earth, and then see everyone. Nevertheless not everyone can spell over it.


The grand master, Gong Yutian, intended to retire from Zhong Hua President of the knights. Many masters who represented their own faction, covetously eyed on this position to show actual strength, including his apprentice Ma San. Ma San was only able to see himself. Therefore in this tense and turbulent age, he chose to rebel against his teacher and surrendered to Japanese. He came to grips with Gong Yutian and killed him on the spur of the moment in a battle. Gong's daughter, Gong Er, wanted to take revenge on Man San which was against by the older generation. Despite their obstruction, in order to show her determination, she hid her love at bottom of heart and refused to marry. Everything comes to him who waits. She defeated Ma San eventually on account of not only her seeing herself, but also seeing heaven and earth. The grand master Ye Wen got through the hard times by virtue of his teacher' guidance "a belt, a breath". When he moved to Hong Kong, he imparted his skills to his apprentices. Hence Ye Wen had master the essence of Kung Fu which he could see himself, heaven and earth, and everyone.



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