
大学不应为名人降低入学条件Universities Shouldn't Lower Admission
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In recent years, some universities lower admission requirements for some celebrities who want to continue their study in college. Concerning with the issue, some people think it is acceptable while others disagree. In my point of view, there are no reasons for universities lowering admission requirements for celebrities for the following reasons.


For one thing, lowering admission requirements for celebrities is unfair to those students who spare their efforts to enter college by examination and fair competition. If universities lower admission requirements for celebrities, some students will lose their chance to go to colleges for an unfair reason. And that is not good for carrying our national policy in fair education. For another, this kind of action will set a negative example for people in that celebrities have a great influence on our society. If universities treat the celebrities as special figures, more and more people will use these similar examples as an excuse to seek some special treatment in various areas, which will abet the corruption in our society.


Therefore, I oppose that universities lower admission requirement for celebrities because it will cause negative influences on students and our society. I advocate that celebrities should compete with other students to get the chance of entry colleges by fair means.



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