
改编经典 The Adaptation of the Classics
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In recent years, many adapted classics have appeared and aroused a great concern constantly. In these adapted works, we can find that even some typical characters and the plot of the classics are changed. Why do the adapted classics become so popular?


There are reasons I think can accounting for the phenomenon. First, there is no denying that the adaptation of classics is designated to cater for readers’ taste and the current trend, because a large number of people are absorbing by this kind of adapted works. Second, it is another way to absorb people’s attention and entertain people. Most of these adapted classics are funnier and easier to understand than the original one, and that arouse the readers more interest. Finally, the appearance of adapted classics is also a show of the conception of creativity.


However, I am not appreciated this kind of action. For one thing, the adapted classics misinterpret the original meaning of the works and lower their real value. For another, it is a kind of destroy for our traditional culture and this kind of action will cause that our descendants have not chance to know and inherit our traditional culture.



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