
举办大型庆典浪费吗? Is it Waste to Hold Grand Ceremonies?
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To hold grand opening and closing ceremonies for some activities is the tradition for China for a long time. With the improvement of people’s living standard, the scale of the ceremonies has become greater and greater. Some people begin to argue that it is a great waste. But some still insist its positive effect. As far as I am concerned, both of them are reasonable.


On the one hand, holding grand ceremonies is really a waste for some activities. When holding an activity, such as Olympic Games, the essence of it is the process and spirit of the competition, instead of the opening or closing ceremony. It needs a lot of money and people to open such grand ceremony successfully. Besides, during the ceremony, it is not possible to avoid polluting the environment. Thus, the follow-on work after the ceremony also needs a lot of resources to deal with.


On the other hand, there are many positive effects of ceremony. As holding grand ceremony has been popular for a long time, it must have its reason. The greater the ceremony is, the more attention will be paid on it. In addition, a grand ceremony is able to encourage the participants,making the activity more interesting. Besides, it is a good way to spread the spirit of the activity.


To sum up, holding grand ceremonies has positive and negative side. What we need to do is to make it perfect. Such as, how to reach the same effect with less pay. It is necessary to hold ceremony, but we don’t need to make it at the cost of cutting people’s benefit.



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