
国际护士节 International Nurses' Day
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The May 12th, is known as International nurses day, this day is set up in memory of Florence Nightingale. Florence Nightingale is the legend in the field of medicine. From 1854 to 1856, there was a war between Anglo-French allied force and Russia, many soldiers died in this world due to poor caring condition. As a nurse, Nightingale made up her mind to change this situation. She and others nurses paid more attention to the wounded nursing and nutrition. After half year of hard working, the death rate had dropped down to 2.2%, then the whole Europe known about this. In the year of 1860, she set up the first nurse school in England, and cultivated many excellent nurses. Because of her contribution, lots of patients recovered soon.


After Nightingale passed away, the International Council of Nurses decided that May 12th is the nurse day. Her spirit, love, patience, care and responsibility, has become the service principles of the whole world nurses. To be a nurse, is not only a job, but also a career. This year, the main theme of the nurse day is Nurses: Nurses: A Force for Change-A vital resource for health.


In my humble opinion, the whole society should respect the nurses and show our thanks to them. Because of them, the patients can recover sooner and better. Without them, this world can be different. I wish every nurse is healthy and happy.


Happy international Nurses’ Day!



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