
难忘的考试 An Unforgettable Test
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An Unforgettable Test

Last Sunday,I took the GRE. It was the longest test I had ever taken. I entered the examination room at eight o'clock and did not come out until twelve. For the first hour I sat there waiting anxiously for the proctor to give out the paper. Then the exam officially began. I saw nothing but the test paper. How time flew. I did one section after another. The test was over without my knowing it.

Earlier I had taken many teats, yet at no test did I feel time so limited as this one. Usually there is plenty of time for me to go over what I have written when I finish the test. I would sit there waiting restlessly for the test to be over.

But this time, it took me over twenty minutes to have finished the two sections on math at a much slower speed than usual. God bless me. I wish I had been careful enough this time.

At noon, someone came over to talk with me about the test, which put me in doubt of whether or not I had put the number of my test certificate right on the answer sheet. I was sure I fined in the number, but I did not remember whether or not I had circled the corresponding number under it.

Howevet, maybe all of My efforts are not made in vain. It would be terrible if I got no grades after working so hard.





今天中午,来了个人与我聊起考试的事情,结果使我怀疑起我是否把准考证号码正确地填在答题纸上.填肯定是填过的,可是我记不清是否划过圈了。真糟糕! 别辛苦了一场,连成绩都没有,那就惨了。


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