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Wahaha Bilingual Kindergarten Program

WBS Kindergarten Lead Teacher (KLT)


Position Description:


The aim of Wahaha Bilingual Kindergarten Program is to prepare and select qualified elementary students for bilingual schools including WBS in the aspects of language, critical thinking skills and behavior.

o 班主任在学术、社交、健康、和精神上给予学生指导,以帮助学生全面发展。

The KLT will guide the student academically, socially, physically, and emotionally in a manner that fosters the overall development and well-being of each individual.

o 班主任将和班上其他教师在一起互相支持、互相帮助以组成有效的教学团队。

The KLT will establish a strong and mutually supportive relationship with his/her colleagues to form an effective teaching team.

o 班主任的目标是创造一个鼓舞人心的学习环境,帮助每一个孩子成为主动学习者。

The KLT’s goal is to create a stimulating and inspiring learning environment in which the child becomes a proactive learner.

o 班主任应让班级保持积极和关爱的气氛,对每个孩子提供所需的不同支持和激励,帮助他们在每个发展领域中发挥出最大潜能

The teacher shall also maintain a positive and caring environment, to provide sensitive support to each child and to challenge each child to reach his/her fullest potential in each developmental area.


Job Responsibilities:

o 和教师团队一起,负责班级日常管理:包括班规制定、课程安排、班级秩序维持、环境创设、卫生安全、餐点准备、及其他。Together with the team, to perform the daily overall class management including setting class rules, making class schedules, creating stimulating class environment, maintaining hygiene& safety and helping to prepare students’ food.

o 与其他教师一起完善和实施学前部课程。

To refine and execute with your colleagues the school curriculum

o 为了使课程效果达到最高标准,选取所需的各种优质学习资源。

To create concrete and supportive learning tools as required to deliver your program to the highest of standard

o 将教室内的家具、摆设和各种材料摆放整齐并保持完整、合适和有吸引力,以符合学生需要。

To prepare and maintain an orderly environment in which the furnishings and materials are complete, appealing and appropriate to the needs of the group.

o 参加所有员工会议,包括月度团队计划会议。

To attend all staff meetings including monthly team planning meetings

o 编写每学期、每月及每周教学计划,列清目标、内容和所用教学材料。

To create weekly and daily lesson plans which will outline the goals, content and support resources to be undertaken in your daily work with your students

o 根据学校要求,通过家校联系册、孩子的作品集和个人评估报告等掌握对学生的课堂出勤、日常表现和各方面发展水平进行准确的记录。

To maintain current and accurate records of classroom attendance, children’s daily progress, attainment and achievement, through anecdotes, collections of children’s work for portfolio and individual assessment as set out by the school

o 与各特长课老师保持紧密联系,以跟踪和促进学生在各方面的进步。

To monitor and liaise with all specialist teachers regarding the students’ progress

o 根据学校要求,关于学生的发展情况通过家长会、书面和口头形式与家长交流。

To conduct parent conferences and report verbally or in writing to parents regarding the progress of their child as set out by the school

o 参加各种学校功能性活动,教师职业发展研讨会、家长指南会、家长学习之夜等。

To attend and participate in all school wide functions, professional development workshops, Parent Orientation and Parent Education evenings

o 根据学校要求管理班级,同时在所有时候尊重所有的孩子。

To maintain discipline and manage your classroom in the manner set out by the school handbook, with absolute and utter total respect for the child at all times

o 根据学校要求,在课堂外(比如校门外、操场上、餐厅里)也对孩子进行教育和管理。

To undertake other supervisory duties such as in the playground and lunchroom as set out by the school

o 参加各类教研活动,包括去别的班级听课,参加研讨会和各种进修课程。

To participate in the observation of other classrooms, attend seminars and advanced coursework where possible.



o 本科以上学历,学前教育或者其它相关专业

Bachelor degree or above, preschool education or related major is required

o 全日制幼儿园3年或以上班主任教学经验;其他全日制学前机构或者小学低年级3年或以上主班教学经验

3 years or above experience as lead teacher in full-time kindergartens, preschool institutions or elementary schools is required

o 较强英文能力优先

Good English Language ability is preferred

o 有双语幼儿园或者双语学校教学经验最佳

Experience in a bilingual kindergarten or bilingual school is a plus

o 对国际学校及中西融合教育有热情。

Has a passion for international education

o 热情、开朗随和、富有团队精神、愿意接受挑战。

Is enthusiastic, outgoing, flexible, cooperative and willing to take challenges



o 我们为合适的应征者提供精心设计的培训课程和良好的薪酬待遇。

We offer well designed training program and good compensation package to successful candidates.

o 我们提供免费午餐,带薪寒暑假及完备社会保险。

We provide free lunch, paid winter& summer holidays and full package of social insurance.

To Apply:

Please send a cover letter and your resume to Laura HE, Kindergarten Principle: laura.he@hwbs.org


请将您的简历发至 laura.he@hwbs.org ,我们热忱希望您的加入!

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