
来源:上城教育信息港网 阅读:707 次 日期:2016-12-01 15:11:52

Wahaha Bilingual Kindergarten Program

Assistant English Teacher (AET)


Position Description:


The aim of Wahaha Bilingual Kindergarten Program is to prepare and select qualified elementary students for bilingual schools including WBS in the aspects of language, critical thinking skills and behavior.

o 助理英文教师将协助班主任和外籍老师在学术、社交、健康、情绪和精神上给予学生指导,以帮助学生全面发展。

The AET will assist the lead teacher and the international teacher in guiding the student academically, socially, physically, emotionally and spiritually in a manner that fosters the overall development and well being of each individual.

o 助理英文教师将和班上中外教师在一起互相支持、互相帮助以组成有效的教学团队。

The AET will establish a strong and mutually supportive relationship with the Chinese and English co-teachers in his/her classroom to form an effective teaching team.

o 助理英文教师应让班级保持积极和关爱的气氛,对每个孩子提供所需的支持和激励。

The AET shall also maintain the classroom's positive and caring environment, provide sensitive support to each child and to challenge each child to reach his/her fullest potential.


Job Responsibilities:

o 协助外教进行外教英语教学,同时能独立进行中方的英语教学工作。并与外教密切配合,为学生提供浸润式英文环境。

To assist the international teacher in his/her lessons and carry out his/her own English teaching duties independently. Work with international teacher closely to provide English language environment to students.

o 根据需要进行部分特色课的教学。

To carry out specialist classes according to curriculum needs.

o 协助班主任进行班级日常管理:包括班规制定、课程安排、班级秩序维持、环境创设、卫生安全、餐点准备、及其他。

To assist the lead teacher to perform the daily overall class management including setting class rules, making class schedules, creating stimulating class environment, maintaining hygiene& safety and helping to prepare students’ food.

o 参与制定、理解并帮助实现班级计划、目标、内容和要求,也将其融合进课堂外时间(上下午接送、自由活动、午餐以及休息时间)。

To internalize weekly and daily lesson plans, their goals, content and requirements and to incorporate and reinforce these outside the classroom (play time, PE, lunch, break times).

o 协助班主任通过家校联系册、孩子的作品集和个人评估报告等掌握对孩子的课堂出勤、日常表现和各方面发展水平。

To assist the lead teacher in maintaining current and accurate records of classroom attendance, children’s daily progress, attainment and achievement, through anecdotes, collections of children’s work for portfolio and individual assessment.

o 参加包括小组计划会议在内的所有员工会议。

To attend all staff meetings including team planning meetings.

o 参加各项学校活动,包括教师培训、教研活动、学术交流、家长课堂和家长会等。

To attend and participate in all school wide functions, professional development workshops, Parent Orientation and Parent Education evenings.



o 较强的英文能力。

Good English Language ability is a must.

o 教育专业或其它相关专业优先。

Educational major or related major is a plus.

o 有英语教育经验者优先。

English teaching experience is a plus.

o 对国际学校及中西融合教育有热情。

Has a passion for international education.

o 热情、开朗随和、富有团队精神、愿意接受挑战。

Is enthusiastic, outgoing, flexible, cooperative and willing to take challenges.



o 我们为合适的应征者提供精心设计的培训课程和良好的薪酬待遇。

We offer well designed training program and good compensation package to successful candidates.

o 提供免费午餐,带薪寒暑假及完备社会保险。

We provide free lunch, paid winter& summer holidays and full package of social insurance.

To Apply:

Please send a cover letter and your resume to Laura HE, Kindergarten Principle: laura.he@hwbs.org


请将您的简历发至 laura.he@hwbs.org ,我们热忱希望您的加入!

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