Todd: Howard, you said you saw the movie The Aviator.
Howard: Ah, yes, with Leonardo DiCaprio.
Todd: OK. What is the movie about?
Howard: Well, "The Aviator" refers to the character, Howard Hughes.
Todd: OK, who was Howard Hughes?
Howard: Well, Howard Hughes is a very famous person in the United States. He was a flyer, first of all, and he was a producer of movies and he was a little crazy. The interesting part of his character, although he was a very brilliant thinker, and a great aviator, he had a kind of obsession with cleanliness, which actually drove him crazy in his later life.
Todd: Really, so he always wanted to be super clean.
Howard: Super clean! He hated germs and he went to extraordinary lengths to keep himself and all his surrounding clean. If anybody touched him, he had to wash many times to get all the germs off of him, and he was just, it became such an obsession that it interfered with his entire personal life.
Todd: Wow! What about you? Are you very clean? Do you worry about germs?
Howard: No not really. I don't think so.
Todd: OK, actually, if you're eating M&M's and one falls off your hand and hits the floor, would you pick it up real quick and still eat it, or would you not eat it?
Howard: It depends if I had cleaned the floor lately.
Todd: OK, but overall, back to the movie, was it a good movie?
Howard: Ah, yes. In fact, it's been nominated for a number of Academy Awards, and I think this year, it will do quite well. It's entertaining and it's well performed by Leonardo DiCaprio, although I think that Leonardo DiCaprio is a little young for the part but he did a very good job in his acting.
Todd: Hmm, OK, thanks. Maybe I'll see it.
Howard: Try!