Akane: Hey, Ruth.
Ruth: Hey, Akane.
Akane: I just came to pick up my plastic container than I lent you the other day.
Ruth: Oh, right. Well, I've just washed it actually, so here you go.
Akane: Thanks. So did you like that potato salad I made you?
Ruth: It was really nice. Yeah, it was really nice. I'm not sure how you made it, but I enjoyed it.
Akane: Yeah, I gave some to Todd as well and he really liked it too.
Ruth: Oh, good, I'm glad he liked it. That's good.
Akane: Yeah. I made some stuffed peppers too, but unfortunately there's meat in it, so..
Ruth: Oh, no. That's a shame. I would have really liked some of those, too.
Akane: Yeah. I gave it to Todd and he really liked it.
Ruth: Really.
Akane: Yeah.
Ruth: You're such a good cook. I wish I could cook like you can.
Akane: Oh, I'm sure there's a few tricks up your sleeve as well.
Ruth: Oh, I don't think so. I've yet to discover them.
Akane: So do you want to go out for dinner again this Saturday?
Ruth: Oh, that sounds like a really good idea.
Akane: Um, last time, last week I think we went to "Joyful", right?
Ruth: Yeah, that's right. We had rice and things like that. Is that right?
Akane: Mm-hm, and I think I might of had a hamburger, or something like that.
Ruth: Oh, yes, you did.
Akane: Yeah.
Ruth: So, where do you think we should go this time?
Akane: Uh, I don't know. Do you want to go for sushi again?
Ruth: Oh, I really like sushi. Yeah.
Akane: Yeah, there's that, that other store, the sushi shop that we haven't gone to yet.
Ruth: Ok, well, we could go there because that would be a nice walk as well. We could walk there and walk back and we could get some exercise at the same time.
Akane: Oh, that's a great idea.
Ruth: Yeah, and then we wouldn't feel so bad when we're greedy.
Akane: Hm, for sure.
Ruth: Why don't you go and ask Todd, and find out if he wants to go..
Akane: OK.
Ruth: And then we'll organize it for tomorrow night.
Akane: Great idea.
Ruth: Oh, excellent. Oh, and Akane?
Akane: Yeah!
Ruth: You know, if you're making anymore potato salad,..
Akane: Mm-hm?
Ruth: Feel free to bring some around.
Akane: Sure. No problem.
Ruth: Alright. Bye-bye.