1. Bolt from the blue
1. 晴天霹雳 (用来形容事情发生得如此突然,让人感到惊讶和措手不及。)
I had only recently seen Steve in a restaurant. The news of his death came as a bolt from the blue.
2. To have a face like thunder
2. 火冒三丈 (形容一个人非常生气,达到怒不可遏的程度。)
He had a face like thunder when he came out of the manager's office this morning.
3. To take a rain check
3. 改天吧,以后再说 (表示当下不能做什么事情,但是不排除日后的可能。)
Do you mind if I take a rain check on that lunch invitation? I'm going to be away all week.
4. It never rains but it pours!
4. 祸不单行 (糟糕的事情一个接一个发生。)
Poor Sarah, she lost her job and now she has a car accident. It never rains but it pours!
5. A storm in a teacup
5. 小题大做 (本来是小事一桩,可是经过渲染,变成了大问题。)
Lucy was calling the police when her cat disappeared, it all sounds like a storm in a teacup.
6. On cloud nine
6. 非常高兴,心情十分舒畅 (形容一个人的心情好的不能再好了。)
When the boss announced my promotion, I was on cloud nine.
7. To chase the rainbows
7. 追逐彩虹,痴人说梦 (形容一个人尽是想好事,而且是不太可能的事。)
You have only started two months ago, you are already thinking about promotion. Well, I think you're just chasing rainbows.
8. Once in a blue moon
8. 千载难逢地,百年不遇 (形容非常罕见。)
Brian has very little contact with his sister. They see each other once in a blue moon.
9. Every cloud has a silver lining
9. 黑暗中总有一线光明 (鼓励人们即使在最困难的时刻也不要失去信心或放弃希望。)
Don't worry too much about your dropping out of university, every cloud has a silver lining.
10. A fair-weather friend
10. 可共安乐不能共患难的朋友 (这和同甘共苦意思相反,指那些关键时刻靠不住的朋友。)
I thought I could count on Sue, but I've discovered she's just a fair-weather friend.