
孩子们沉重的负担Heavy Burden on Children
来源:易贤网 阅读:748 次 日期:2014-04-21 17:22:00
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With competitions becoming increasingly fierce in our society, more and more parents are busy enrolling their children to a variety of hobby group, such as, math, English, mental arithmetic, singing, dancing, writing and so on. Parents think these are good for their children to do preparation for their future. But I don’t agree with it. Maybe these interest groups will do good to the children, but too much stress from the interest classes will give heavy burden on children.


In the first place, taking too much interest classes will deprive children of their freedom time. Although children are in a young age, they still have to go to school, which will take up their some time. They have to take part in some hobby groups after school, which they may not really interested in. Can you imagine how many free time do they have? They have to study and study during their whole childhood. This may have negative effect on forming good characters for children.


Last but not least, the so called interest classes may not cause the interest of children. The cram classes that parents choose for their children are not really the real hobby of their children. If they have to be forced to do the things that they don’t like in a young age, how can they have a happy childhood? In addition, children may have no time to develop their true interest, because they have to do the things that their parents consider are their interest.


To sum up, forcing children to take up too much interest classes will increase the heavy burden on children. Parents should pay more time to figure out their children’s real interest and lead them to the right way, not force them to do things.



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