
合格的学生 The Qualified Students
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How to evaluate students? When it comes to this question, I think most people will have a word in front of their mind. It is score. But now some people propose another opinion. They don’t think it is right to value a student is qualified or not only by their scores. As far as I am concerned, I would stand in the latter side, because I think to qualify students only by score is one-side and not good for the development of students.


The first and foremost, to value students only by scores is not good for their development. If the unique expectation for students is to get high scores, students will become high marks imbecile. They may know nothing except study. In the long term, it will have negative effect on their life and future career. If a person can’t take care of themselves, how can they do well in other things? In addition, their school life must be very bored, because there is only study in it.


Secondly, evaluating students only from grade will let employers lose some excellent employees. In the employment market, most employers will judge a student is qualified or not according their marks in school. However, sometimes the high mark students are not suitable to that job for one hundred percent. And different people may have different talents. Not everyone’s specialty is study. Not to lose any talent, the employers should value students in full sides.


In general, to judge a student is qualified or not only by scores is not a wise way in the long term. We should look at problems all-sidedly.



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