Inorganic non-Metallic Materials Engineering
Founded in 1952, Department of Inorganic Materials in ECUST has played a great role both in education and academics over the past half a century in China. At present, it includes a research institute on IM and a National Gemstone Testing Center. About 20 professors and associate professors are working in this department.
Inorganic Nonmetallic Materials is an important branch of materials science. With the rapid development of modern science and technology, many new structural materials with high strength as well as advanced functional materials including photo-electronic materials, memory materials, sensitive materials and biomaterials are being studied. The research of our department covers special and industrial glasses, fine ceramics, composites based on ceramics, mesoporous materials, nano-materials, silicate engineering and gemstone.
The students in our university are required to comprehend the knowledge of material fabrication, material analysis, processing of inorganic nonmetallic materials, equipment designing, and production management as well. Besides, all the undergraduate students must take courses of English language, advanced mathematics, general physics, basic chemistry, organic chemistry, physical chemistry, chemical engineering, physics and material chemistry, structure and properties of materials, processing principles of inorganic material, etc.
With respect to international collaboration, cooperative relationship was set up between our department with many foreign universities and institutes in Italy, Czech, France, Germany, Japan, Russia, Australia, etc. Our department has been providing Master and PhD degrees as well as post-doctor programs in material science and engineering since 1986. More than 4000 graduates from the department are now serving in various fields both at home and abroad, and have contributed a great deal to the development of ceramic science and technology.