
现代人最重要的技能 The Most Important Skills for Modern People
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As time passes, the times also progress constantly. Everything is in the tendency of changing. Our living skills are changing, too. In the past, our human beings need to learn the skills, like hunting and weaving. But now these are not the most important skills for modern people. What do you think are the most important skills for modern people to be successful in the world? In my opinion, communication skill, and computer skill are the most two important skills.


First of all, people living in the modern society need to communication everything minute and every time. In order to have a happy family, we need to learn how to communication with our family members. If we can’t handle it well, our family may be full of contradiction and quarrel. To live happily in school, we need to master the communication skill to communicate with our teachers and students. It is certain that communication skill is necessary on job.


Secondly, with the rapid development of high-tech, computer has become a necessary in the modern society. Computer helps us lot. We need computer to do the smallest things to the greatest. Without computer, our life must draw back several decades. Thus, it is very significant for our modern people to master this skill not to be abandoned by the present world.


In a word, we need to try our best to adapt the world. As communication skill and computer skill are the most important two skills for us, we have to try our best to learn it well. Come on!



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