
吃掉我们忠尽职守的护卫 Eat the Loyal Guard
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In China, it is a very common phenomenon of eating dog’s meat. Especially in winter, if someone would like to mend the body, the first food come to their mind would be dog meat, Chinese people consider it as a wonderful thing for blood-deficiency, dizziness. However, some people are quite different from each other in their opinions on eating dog meat, they think we should stop eating it. For me, I couldn’t agree with more.


I have reason to support my view, dog are human’s best friend, we should not eat our friend. Dogs are kept as a guard for family, and most families treat the dog as a family member, especially in the foreign family. While in Yulin, Guangxi province, there is a dog meat festival that held every year. When it comes to this festival, thousands of dogs were killed in the street for tourists to eat. That is a very bloody, cruel behavior. Unfortunately, the source of dog meat is usually illegal, which most comes from some one’s pet dog or the guard dog of village. Bad people would catch the dog that wondering in the street or village, if they want more, they will poison them, then they could catch them in a much easy way.


Taking the above mentioned into consideration, I think, it is high time that we took effective measures to prevent this kind of behavior, if permitted to continue, will surely lead to a horrible situation, such as the number of dog fell sharply, and the people who eat dog meat might get sick for unhygienic or poisonous meat. Dogs are our friend and our loyal guard, not our food.



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