
如何判断是否是称职的管理者How to Judge You are a Competent Manager
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How to judge you are a competent manager? Is your management way being accepted by your subordinate? These two questions can get the answers from your employee’s performance. There are eight kinds of employee performance can show the reference.


The first one, although you are not in office, your subordinates know to do what you expect. That means you have your subordinates understood your expecting to them, and give them enough authority to do what you think is right.


The second one, when return to office, your subordinate will tell you what they have done, why they did that, and what the result. That means they believe themselves, and believe you also think they did the right thing.


The third one, when you have a regular meeting, your subordinates feel relax and say what they think. If there are few subordinates positive to say, that means you may be too autocratic at times.


The fourth one, for all happened in the company, few subordinates spread or guess. That means you make a good communication.


The fifth one, your subordinates use the same way to face the customers. That means you have make proper standard in this area, also means they clearly know what the company’s target, and know what they should do.


The sixth, your subordinates can respect and cooperation well each other. Usually, employees complicit more often, that is because the leaders endure someone’s not good performance. But when they cooperate well, that means the manager is a fair and effective leader.


The seventh one, when your subordinates get your negative feedback, they will not be angry or be shocked. That means your subordinates recognize your view, also means you can well control the skill that not hurt their self-respect, and has the negative feedback skills.


At last, when happens personnel deficit, your subordinates will positive recommend candidates. If the company has the low rate of staff turnover, that means they are happy to go along with you, and work together with you.



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