
你快乐吗?Are you happy?
来源:易贤网 阅读:655 次 日期:2014-04-24 17:32:54
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With the development of the economy, human beings’ life becomes much better. But under this kind of environment there still many people think that they do not feel happy.


Actually, this big change provides us more new things that we haven’t seen before, like communication instruments. And we have to recognize that new things change our life a lot. But I don’t know how many people can find the changes in our life. We become empty inside although we become more glamorous outside. Because of many restaurants’ appearing, many people choose to have parties outside with so-called friends rather than enjoy a happy hour with families. Because of computer games many students choose to stay at Internet bar day to night rather than do what they should do, go to school and try to let their dreams come true.


In my opinion, we should treat these things in a right way. We can make our life beautiful and significant at the same. We can enjoy the benefits from changes and use these changes to enrich our hearts. After all, there are much more than computer games that we can get from computers, we can also acquire useful knowledge.



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