
假冒伪劣产品对人们有害Fake Products Hurt People
来源:易贤网 阅读:734 次 日期:2014-04-25 17:38:32
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For recent years, fake commodities have increased sharply. The reason behind this phenomenon is that people pursue high profit while take no care of others’ health or property. Many people worry fake products will hurt our health. For me, I think fake products hurt us badly.


First of all, fake commodities damage our health. For example, if there are fake pills flowing into hospital, then the patients’ illness will be exacerbated and even lead to death. For children, if they eat some fake products, their development will be effected.


Secondly, fake products cheat on people. For all fake products’ makers, they want to get extremely high profit. Therefore, they just fake famous brand’s products and try to get some customers so as to make money. They make up stories and cheat on people to buy their faked products which are with no worthy.


Thirdly, fake products will infringe others’ copyright. All fake products use certain famous brand to sell products to people. So, the fake products’ makes will use fake authorized files to make their products seems legal. By this way, fake products can infringe others copyright and cause some bad effects on victims.


All in all, fake products hurt us and we should join hands to resist fake commodities.



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