
跳槽之我见My View on Job-Hopping
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Nowadays, many youth changes their jobs frequently which have aroused large focus by public. Some people think young people should stick to one job until they learn things. But others think if young people have higher salary or position, they could change their jobs as well as they like. In my opinion, I prefer the second one.


Firstly, many students don’t know what kinds of job they really want after graduate, but if they practice and change constantly, they may find the favor one. Moreover, change means step forward. Of course, they will choose the one with high pay or high position.


Secondly, changing job means knowing more people. Youth could learn more skills from different bosses and colleagues, and make friends with ex-boss or workers; It must be huge relation recourse for their career.


Thirdly, changing jobs could exercise youth’s ability, especially adaptability. When young people meet the new environment and new people, they need times to adapt all of it. If they experience more, they would make themselves become the member of the collective as soon as possible, which also advantage for their works.


To sum up, it’s reasonable to change their jobs if youth have the chance.



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